Css and Scss

All css files located at css folder.
All scss files located at scss folder.

To create your own theme and change styles you must use files in - scss/style.scss :

  • scss
    1. External module
        1.1 Bootstrap
        1.2 Slick carousel
        1.3 Perfect Scrollbar
        1.4 Magnific popup
    2. Font family
        2.1 Font Family
        2.2 Fonts Icons
    3. Variables
    4. Typography
    5. Header
    6. Footer
    7. Product item
    8. Product Single
    9. Product listing
    10. Promo
    11. Tabs
    12 Pages
    13. Slider Revolution and Slick
    14. Modal
    15. Blog
    16. Instagram
    17. Content layout
    18. Foorm layout
    19. Portfolio pages
    20. Breadcrumb
    21. Back to top
    22. Tooltip
    23. AddThis Dashboard

In scss/_variables_style.scss - there are variables with which you can easily customize the theme.

For example, change the default text color:

					$default_text_color:						#777777;
					$default_color:								#1175C0;
					$default_color2:							#333333;


All JS files formed by files:

  • src/**.js - Custom JS files.
  • src/external/** - vendor plugins JS files
  • gulpfile.js - file which collects all the scripts and puts build/js/bundle.js


These styles are used to create skins on demo. *You do not need to use them to create your own theme.
  • style-02.css
  • theme-03.css
  • theme-...css

**To create your own theme and change styles you must use files in - src/scss/style.scss